The Grab Bag
There is a lot of creative output on the internet. This page collects some of that work, mostly because I was unhappy with the original presentation of things, or because I wanted to test or try something out.
- The original crowd sourced hex maps: The Hexenbracken, The Kraal, The Colossal Wastes of Zhaar.
- Since those first maps we’ve made some more.
- Jacob Hurst organized making the crazy space map Synthexia.
- Josh Macy started this unnamed Fallout themed hexcrawl.
- There is the Barbarian Prince in hex map form. (My friends and I used the same map for one of D&D campaigns.)
- I used HexKit to make what would become The Lavender Marshes.
- Gus drew an amazing map during a game with Luka Rejak, now called the Gongburg Solitudes.
- Another classic map from Gus is Partol Sector Omega, which is “Githyanki Fantasy Fucking Veitnam”.
- Jez has been trying to finsh Kaltval for ages.
- I helped the mysterious mista tipsta and his friends turn their own attempt at a crowd sourced hexcrawl into a web page: The Scorched Coast
- I have been playing GRIMLITE by Chris McDowall and writing about my solo campaign so far.
- The He-Man Show Bible by Michael Halperin.
- My ‘beta’ rules for OD&D Psionics
- The infamous and notorious PHILOTOMY’S Dungeons and Dragons Musings by Jason Cone.
- Also from Jason Cone we have his writing about B4: The Lost City.
- Adam Taylor giant list of spells for both wizards and clerics, that you can filter by school and level. It’s fantastic.
- Madlib Dungeons can be used to make a blob of text more exciting.