For use in the summoning of demon and hell spawn in the role playing game Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
by Ramanan Sivaranjan on July 22, 2012
Tagged: project webapp lotfp summon
Over the last few days i’ve been working on a little web application to help Lamentations of the Flame Princess players go through the motions of casting the Magic-User’s Summon spell. The spell lets players summon a demon to aid them–hopefully. The LotFP rules outline what sort of demon will show up and whether or not it will listen to the players. It’s a crazy spell. There are lots of tables and dice rolling. It’s a complicated enough procedure that it produced a thread on the LotFP forum to discuss how exactly the spell works. From the discussion there I figured turning the spell into a little web-application would be a small fun project.
For those interested, the site was created using the Python (mini) web framework, Flask, and is hosted on Dreamhost.