A monster on the verge of eating an adventurer.

The Random Dungeon Generator as a Dungeon Map

by Ramanan Sivaranjan on May 30, 2012

Tagged: ad&d osr kickstarter art

Random Dungeon Generator as a Dungeon Map

The Random Dungeon Generator as a Dungeon Map by Paul Hughes was the first D&D product I backed on Kickstarter. It’s really through this project that I ended up discovering the community that surrounds old-school D&D. I have since spent far more than I ever thought I would on other D&D crowd funded projects. There is something so earnest about these projects I just can’t resist.

The poster arrived today and it looks really great. It’s massive, so I’m not sure how well it would actually function as a game aid, but as a piece of art is is definitely cool. I really need to frame it so my wife tell me I can’t hang it up on our walls.