A monster on the verge of eating an adventurer.

Patrick’s launched his latest Kickstarter, Queen Mabs Palace. In a real plot twist, the book isn’t a D&D module, but a novel. I suppose novels were the first adventures. I’m reading Patrick’s last book now, Gackling Moon, which is a gazeteer for the Wodlands, a weird fantasy setting. It reminds me the Wanderer’s Journal from Dark Sun: pure vibes. There is some gaming material in the book, but it feels there is maybe just enough to still call it a gaming book and not have people moan too much. In many ways it’s the setting book version of Fire on the Velvet Horizon. I should say more here, but just wanted to point out that Queen Mabs Palace feels like the natural follow up to a book like Gackling Moon, perhaps.

— Ramanan Sivaranjan, microblogging, October 03, 2024 [] #