A monster on the verge of eating an adventurer.

Tom over at the Beard Bunker writes, “Inquisitor was a bad game, and that’s why I loved it.” The game of Inquisitor I played with Patrick and Evan, with Brendan acting as a GM, was probably one of the most interesting war gamming experiences I’ve had. Patrick blogged about both of our games, Hunt the Fat Priest & Rise of the Meta-Coral, and I think manages to capture just how bonkers the game is. I grabbed the rulebook for cheap a few years back. If you spot it in the wild you should buy it, if only for the John Blanche art. There are many (many!) better rulesets out there, but there is some real charm to Inquisitor.

— Ramanan Sivaranjan, microblogging, June 19, 2023 [warhammer 40K inquisitor ] #