A monster on the verge of eating an adventurer.

Desert Lotus Potions, Poultice, Poisons and Powders

by Ramanan Sivaranjan on February 22, 2015

Tagged: carcosa lotfp osr homebrew mastersofcarcosa

Potions and poultices prepared by an experienced hand can temper the addictive and dangerous properties of the desert lotus, producing powerful restoratives. There is always a risk associated with the lotus, but they are perhaps greatly outweighed by the rewards.

d20 Item Description Cost
1 Green Lotus Poultice Restores a dCarcosa of hit points to a wounded character. Takes 1 turn to apply. 1d6 x 50GP
2 Green Lotus Potion Ingesting this potion will restore 2dCarcosa hit points. 1d6 x 100 GP
3 Black Lotus Poison A slower acting variant of the deadly Black Lotus Powder. Those ingesting this poison will die in dCarcosa days if they fail their Save vs. Poison at -6. 1d4 x 1000 GP
4 Jale Lotus Potion This mind expanding potion grants the character d6 psionic wild talents. Each can be used once, over the course of the day, while the drug slowly works its way through the characters system. 2d6 x 200 GP
5 White Lotus Potion Cures those afflicted by the effects of White Lotus Powder 1d10 x 100 GP
6 Blue Lotus Potion Ingesting this potion fills a person with a deep sense of calmness. Characters are immune to all fear effects. This potion is a favourite of Sorcerers who wish to commune with terrifying Old Ones. 1d4 x 100 GP
7 Blue Lotus Poultice Applying this poultice takes one turn, after which a characters skin will feel completely numb. Characters are immune to damage from extreme cold, heat, and acid. This effect lasts 9-12 hours. 1d10 x 100 GP
8 Yellow Lotus Powder The powder distilled from the beautiful Yellow Desert Lotus produces the most horrific waking dreams when inhaled. Characters must make a Save vs. Poison or go completely mad, physically paralyzed, their mind trapped in a terrible nightmare. 1d10 x 100 GP
9 Yellow Lotus Poison This poison is a powerful paralytic, usually applied to the tips of arrows and blades. Characters must make a Save vs. Poison or be unable to move for 1d6 turns. 1d10 x 100 GP
10 Bone Lotus Poultice Applying this poultice takes one turn, and renders the character skin and organs translucent like those of a Bone Man. This effect lasts 9-12 hours. 1d6 x 50 GP
11 Bone Lotus Potion Drinking this translucent potion will render the imbiber gaseous, allowing them to pass through anything that isn’t air-tight, and making them impervious to most attacks. 1d10 x 100 GP
12 Purple Lotus Powder When mixed with other slow burning herbs and smoked this powder acts as a depressant, relaxing the mind and making its user completely open to suggestion for 1-4 hours. 1d6 x 50 GP
13 Orange Lotus Potion Produced using the sweet nectar found within the buds of the Orange Desert Lotus, this potion grants super-human strength to those who drink it. Characters do an additional dice of damage when attacking with melee weapons. This effect lasts dCarcosa turns. 2d4 x 100 GP
14 Ulfire Lotus Poultice Applying this poultice takes one turn, and leaves the characters skin feeling dry and rough. Characters gain an addition +2 to their AC and to their saving throws where applicable. This effect lasts 9-12 hours. 2d6 x 100 GP
15 Ulfire Lotus Potion This potion is a powerful anti-poison, nullifying the effects of any lotus based poison or powder. 1d6 x 100 GP
16 Brown Lotus Poison Typically applied to the tips of arrows, this poison instantly kills those who fail their Save vs. Poison. 1d4 x 500 GP
17 Dolm Lotus Potion The character feels a quickening of their body and mind as this potion takes effect. Characters double their movement rate, and start combat at the top of the initiative order. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds. 1d4 x 500 GP
18 Dolm Lotus Powder When smoked as a powder this lotus produces an unnatural lethargy (and euphoria) in its user. Characters regain dCarcosa hit points, but are unable to do anything besides lay around for 1d6 turns. 1d4 x 50 GP
19 Red Lotus Poultice The restorative power of the rare Red Desert Lotus is without equal. Rubbing this poultice over a dead character’s body will restore them to life, assuming they fail a Save vs. Poison. 2d6 x 1000 GP
20 Red Lotus Potion This potion fills the drinker with supernatural vigour that lasts 9-12 hours. If killed while under the effects of the drug the character will instantly return to life with dCarcosa hit points, as their body absorbs all the red lotus in its system. (This effect can only occur once.) 2d6 x 1000 GP

Each usage of a potion or poultice produced by a desert lotus apothecary has a 1 in 20 chance of producing a great feeling of a addiction in the user. All powders have a 1 in 6 chances of being addictive. Players who are currently addicted to what they have just ingested must take another dose (which grants additional positive effect) or be at a -1 on all rolls for the session. Using a desert lotus product more than once a session increases the chance of addiction by 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

Apothecaries that work with the desert lotus will generally have a random selection for sale week to week, prices varying based on the availability of flowers.

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