Turgeon Narof, the Chaotic Level 1 Elf of Akenia
Currently located in Rappan Athuk
STR: 13 (+1) |
INT: 15 (+1) |
WIS: 14 |
DEX: 13 (+1) |
CON: 7 (-1) |
CHA: 8 (-1) |
Death Ray or Poison |
12 |
HP: 5 |
Magical Wands |
13 |
AC: 16 |
Paralysis |
13 |
XP: 1250 XP |
Dragon Breath |
15 |
Magic |
15 |
AC |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Roll |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
- Pelf’s Staff (1d8 dmg, 4 charges of Acid Blast)
- Acid Chain Mail (Resist 10 HP Acid Damage)
- Dagger
- Torch
- Backpack
- Waterskin
- Scroll
- 10’ Pole
- 739 gp
- Vernon the Acolyte, 3HP
- Chain Mail (Damaged)
- Cudgel
- Healing Potion.
- Torch (lit)
- Torch
- Torch
- Torch
- Session 1: Turgeon Narof was deposited in this strange dungeon by a strange blue hand, and was promptly eaten by a purple worm. Thankful his acid resistant armour saved him, but not his friends. Some time later, A party of adventurers cause the beast to vomit him up. After defeating the beast, he ventures back down the monsters gullet looking for treasure—of course. A strange acid merman has been living in the worm. A fight breaks out, and Turgeon is knocked unconscious. His new friends manage to save his life after killing the creature. Continuing on they wander into a room full of ladies making strange clicking noises, who probe their minds with their psychic powers … (+1250 XP, 750 GP in loot)
- Session 2:: Off to Rappan Athuk. We almost lose a player to a pit trap, but instead find a halfling who had fallen into the pit. He was happy to be saved. We kill 4 mysterious men who stumble out of a door leading to the South, which we proceed to explore. Some creepy monsters are fought, pit traps avoided, etc. (+???? XP, ??? GP in loot, 5GP for upkeep, 5GP for a retainer, 5 GP for Ferry to Dungeon)