Theotorman the Ever Thankful, Former Bee Keeper turned Lawful Level 2 Cleric
Currently exploring the Bone Hoard of the Dancing Horror
HP: 6 (Max: 7) | AC: 15 | XP: 0 |
STR: 9 | AGI: 11 | STA: 10 |
PER: 13 (+1) | INT: 13 (+1) | LCK: 12 |
Reflex: 0 |
Atk: +1 |
Speed: 25 |
Fortitude: +1 |
Crit: 1d8 / III |
Init: 0 |
Will: +2 |
Spellcheck: +3 |
Action Die: 1D20 |
- Mace (+1 vs. AC, 1D6)
- Sling (+1 vs. AC, 1D4)
- 30x Stones
- Chainmail (+5 AC, -5 check penalty, fumble 1D8, speed -5)
- Holy Symbol
- Backpack:
- 2x Holy Water
- 2x Waterskin
- 10x Rations
- Latern
- 10x Oil
- 50' rope
- Jar of Honey
- 190gp
Cleric Magic
- Blessing
- Darkness
- Detect Magic
- Holy Sanctuary
- Protection from Evil