RIP Analice, formally a 9th 7th Level Thief
Currently located in Wonderland
STR: 9 |
INT: 11 |
WIS: 9 |
DEX: 16 (+2) |
CON: 16 (+2) |
CHA: 9 |
Death Ray or Poison |
12 |
HP: -2 / 50 |
Magical Wands |
13 |
AC: 16 |
Paralysis |
11 |
XP: 0 |
Dragon Breath |
14 |
Magic |
12 |
AC |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Roll |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
- Short Sword of Quickness (1d6 +2)
- 10 Silver Daggers (1d6)
- Extravgent Clothing (20sp)
- Silver Holy Symbol
- 10’ Chain (10sp)
- Lantern
- 5 Flasks of Oil
- 5 Vials of Holy Water
- 10 Garlic
- 10 Wolfsbane
- Heal Potion (3d8)
- 249 SP
Thief Skills
- Architecture: 2 in 6
- Bushcraft: 1 in 6
- Climb: 3 in 6
- Languages: 1 in 6
- Open Doors: 3 in 6
- Search: 4 in 6
- Slieght of Hand: 2 in 6
- Sneak Attack: x 3 damage
- Stealth: 5 in 6
- Tinker: 3 in 6
- LotFP NPC Rolls: Beautiful, Sarcastic, Pacificst, Sexually Deviant.
- Session 1 (Zak’s Game in the Red Queen’s Castle)
- Renamed Analice from Alice for Zak’s playtest and made her level 9 once more.
- And I lost two levels from some god damn vampires minutes into the game– deja vu.
- Fell down a corridor / pit.
- Session 2 (Zak’s Game in the Red Queen’s Castle)
- Once again I was grabbed by some vampires, but this time they didn’t drink my blood.
- Piratanegro has fallen to his death. 4 more players to go.
- And I join Piratanegro, falling to my death.